EduBioMed aims at strengthening, ameliorating and upgrading academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves (BRs), in collaboration and through networking with Biosphere Reserves’ (BR) stakeholders (citizens, visitors, managers and technicians), public administrations and EU Partners.
News and Events

Edu-BioMed case studies of the University of Cadi Ayyad in the Congrès International de l’Arganier // Agadir, May 10-13, 2022
In the framework of the 6th Edition of the Congrès International Arganier, held in Agadir from May 10 to 13, 2022, Prof. Said Boujrouf from the Cadi Ayyad University has presented two studies conducted by students within the field visits that took place in the framework of the Edu-BioMed project. The presentations were about “INNOVER […]

Together, we need to take actions that help in the protection of the RBIM: the mission of Moroccan Universities
During a three-day field visit March 3-6, 2022, the Moroccan Universities partners of the Edu-BioMed project, Mohammed V of Rabat and Cadi Ayyad of Marrakesh, doctoral students and professors met local actors involved or contributing to the management of the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserves of the Mediterranean (RBIM). The visit aimed to share different opinions about […]

Edu-BioMed Research database is launched! Discover how to share updated information on Biosphere Reserves!
The Edu-BioMed Research Database released by the project aims to provide a reliable platform where updated information on Biosphere Reserves can be found. The American University of Beirut, partner of the project, has developed this Platform to offer a portal that holds all information related to Biosphere Reserve researchers and their recent work and publications. […]

Case studies, mobility and field work: some figures of the project
Architecture, Environmental Sciences and Management, Forest fires management, Media studies, Tourism studies, Gender studies, Economics, Engineering, Agriculture, Development studies, Environmental studies, Human Geography, Mycology, Biology, Nutrition studies, Environmental Chemistry, Botany, Landscape design, Agroecology….these are the main disciplines involved in the case studies carried on by students and researchers who have participated in the Mobility plan […]

Sortie de terrain dans la RB d’Arganeraie à la commune d’Ammelne, organisée par l’Université Cadi Ayyad
L’équipe du Laboratoire des Études sur les Ressources, Mobilités et Attractivité (LERMA) de l’Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech a effectué une sortie de terrain dans la Réserve de Biosphère d’Arganeraie à la commune d’Ammelne-Région de Tafraout du 23 au 30 janvier 2022. Cette sortie constitue la continuité des travaux de terrain qui ont commencé le […]

The project eBook is out!
For more than 50 years, UNESCO’s MAB (Man and the Biosphere) program has taken on board the principles of articulation between the political, scientific, academic and civic spheres in various territories. The stated objective is to reconcile sustainable development practices at the local or regional level, with the protection of the environment and more specifically […]

A Project MANIFESTO for an Alliance among Academia and Biosphere Reserves of the Mediterranean Region
Read the MANIFESTO Endorse the MANIFESTO Edu-BioMed project has worked to strengthen, foster and upgrade academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese universities in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.Learning about Biosphere Reserves is equivalent thus to learn about matters of sustainability: environmental protection, territorial management, sustainable development.Understanding a Biosphere Reserve is to understand issues […]

Archaeobotany flotation unit: discover the experience and the work of the American University of Beirut
In the framework of the Edu-BioMed project, during 2021, teachers of various departments at American University of Beirut (AUB) focused their academic activities on Biosphere Reserves in Lebanon with the mission to educate the community about the natural environment with which we co-exist. In this regard, Dr. Claire Malleson (from the Department of History & […]

Edu-BioMed presented to the UNESCO MED Center in Beirut
Last February 25th, 2022, the Lebanese Partners of the Edu-BioMed project American University of Beirut, Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut and the project coordinator, Autonoma University of Barcelona presented the project and its results together with the announcement of the Manifesto to be launched by the project for an […]

The Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean: Roles of Actors and Governance Issues. Moroccan Universities meet local actors
In these days several meetings are taking place among students and professors of the Moroccan Universities – Cadi Ayyad of Marrakesh and Mohammed V of Rabat – and the representatives of the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean, Provincial Directorate of Waters and Forests – Chefchaouen, Regional Directorate of Waters and Forests – Tetouan, the […]

A 3-day field trip in the Biosphere Reserve of Jabal Moussa. Discover the activities of the American University of Beirut’s students
From February 18th to 20th, Dr. Beata Dreksler and 14 students of 2nd and 3rd-year of the American University of Beirut’s Landscape Architecture faculty, participated in a 3-day long field trip to the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve (JMBR) located in Kesrouan District. The activity was a part of the 3-rd year LDEM246 Natural Landscape Design […]

A Citizens Science App to put citizens, researchers and Biosphere Reserves closer
The Edu-BioMed team is glad to announce that a Citizens Science App to improve and implement the knowledge about the Biosphere Reserves has been released by the project. The American University of Beirut, partner of the project, has developed a Citizens Science App in which citizens, academics, and Biosphere Reserve managing bodies collectively gather data from, and about, various territories. […]

What exactly a Biosphere Reserve consists of? Discover the Course developed by the Edu-BioMed project
Edu-BioMed project has worked to strengthen, foster and upgrade academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese universities in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. Among its objectives, it has produced an online course, open accessible and available in English and French. Also, in both languages, is available a reusable version of the course, provided as […]

Communications scientifiques relatives aux productions réalisées au cours du projet Edu-BioMed sur la Réserve de Biosphère d’Arganeraie
Le 22 decembre une équipe de chercheuses et doctorantes cordonnée par le prof. Said Boujrouf de l’Université Cadi Ayyad a participé à deux evenements scientifiques en presentant les investigations amenées, lors du projet Edu-BioMed, à Agadir. Ce voyage a été organisé avec l’objectif de communiquer les résultats obtenus lors des sorties de terrain déjà effectuées […]

Tools for Education & Research in & on Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves: the dissemination webinar of the project
Les reserves de la Biosphere du programme MAB travaillent pour l’interdisciplinarité des approches, l’interaction du social et de tout ce qui est ecologie et on essaye à travers des Reserves de Biosphere de resoudre le nexus entre le developpement durable, la resilience aux changements climatiques et la conservation de la biodiversité. Noëline Raondry Rakotoarisoa – […]

Edu-BioMed at Instituto Cervantes in Beirut on February 25th, 2022
Edu-BioMed partners, the Instituto Cervantes of Beirut, the UNESCOMED Center, and the Abertis Foundation will be in Beirut on February 25th, 2022 to present the results of the project, highlighting the lebanese partners contribution and impact of the project on the institutions involved. The event will be opened at 11:30 am (Beirut time) with a Press Conference and […]

The Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie and its challenges: innovation and coordination
In the framework of the project Edu-BioMed and following the field visit held on these last months conducted by two Doctoral Students, Hala Idrassen and Salma El Ghiouan, at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech (read more here) and by LERMA team, an article was published on December 1st, 2021 on the International Journal of […]

Webinar series to present Case studies at American University of Beirut developed with the support of the Edu-BioMed project!
From January 19th up to March 30th 2022, each Wednesday one webinar will take place to present the case studies carried on by students and researchers of the American University of Beirut, partner of the Edu-BioMed project, in the Lebanese Biosphere Reserves of Jabal Moussa and Shouf. Besides the case studies, also further research, teaching […]

31 January 2022 // Save the date for the webinar: Tools for Education & Research in & on Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves
On January 31st, 2022 it will be held the webinar of the project Edu-BioMed titled Tools for Education & Research in & on Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. The partners of the project will showcase the results produced and the work done, so far, concerning Educational resources on the topic of Biosphere Reserves. Open resources as well […]

Frameworks and governance mechanisms in Biosphere Reserve management in Lebanon, Morocco, France and Spain
The strengthening of the role of the partner Universities as policy advisor is one among the specific objectives of our project. Partner HEIs wish to strengthen their capacity to provide policymakers with objective critiques to the legal and Biosphere Reserves governance status quo on a scientific evidence-base. The clear understanding of the legal framework and […]

Scholarship opportunities in the framework of the Edu-BioMed project: apply by February 15th, 2022
The possibility to apply for a scholarship offered for students and research staff interested in Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves is now extended up to February 15th, 2022. Scholarships are proposed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the Edu-BioMed project, which aims to strengthen, foster and upgrade academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese […]

A project to cure people Plant Blindeness
Multimedia plays today a huge role in bridging the gap between people living in cities and nature. Very often, seeing an add or a photograph on social media triggers people curiosity and open their eyes to nature’s beauty and invite them to visit. What if the multimedia material is more than an invitation but rather […]

What training for those dealing with a Biosphere Reserve? A set of guidelines produced by the Edu-BioMed project
Edu-BioMed’s aim is to strengthen, improve and upgrade academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese universities in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, in collaboration and through networking with BRs’ stakeholders. The upgrading of curricula at targeted HEIs is among the specific objectives of Edu-BioMed. The idea is to further build the capacity of Higher […]

Case study at Mohammed V University developed with the support of the Edu-BioMed project
The UNESCO website gives us an explanation of biosphere reserves, indicating that they are “places of learning for sustainable development”. They are sites for testing interdisciplinary approaches to understanding and managing changes and interactions between social and ecological systems, including conflict prevention and management of biodiversity. They are places that provide local solutions to global […]

Edu-BioMed at the Virtual Fair of the Capacity Building in Higher Education
On October 26th and 27th, 2021 it will be held the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Virtual Fair, an online event aiming to raise awareness on how results of CBHE projects can improve the Higher Education sector in the Partner countries. During the two days about 100 CBHE projects from all regions of the […]

Back to Roots: Nutrition, Terroir & food safety
A team from the Nutrition Department at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut, led by Cynthia Helou – Senior Lecturer – Head of the Food Technology Master and Tatiana Papazian – Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and licensed dietitian – conducted fieldworks in thirteen guesthouses of two Lebanese Biosphere Reserves: Jabal Moussa and […]

RBA field trip of the LERMA-UCA team
As part of the Edu-BioMed project, two professors and two students from the LERMA team, from the Cadi Ayyad Marrakech University, participated in a scientific field trip in the regions of Agadir, Tiznit, Arbaa Sahel, Sidi Ifni Ameln and Tafraout. This field trip, which took place from April 1 to 5, 2021, had the objectives […]

The Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie: workfield for doctoral researches
Following a first field visit held on the end of October and beginning of November 2020, Hala Idrassen and Salma El Ghiouan, Doctoral Students at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech have conducted a five weeks field work in the territory of the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie to develop their Doctoral thesis. Hala Idrassen […]

Edu-BioMed at Journés d’étude internationales “Education, Territoires et Environnements au temps de l’anthropocène”, June 17th&18th, 2021
Edu-BioMed project will be presented on June 17th & 18th, 2021 on the occasion of the journées d’études internationales « Education, Territoires, et Environnements au temps de l’Anthropocène » organised by the Unité Mixte de Recherche LISA of the Université de Corse. The event will be held at the premises of the Université de Corse and it […]

Re-connecting Tourism with the biosphere: a Mediterranean perspective
The Biosphere Reserve of Jabal Moussa and the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie took part on May 19, 2021 in the online workshop Re-connecting Tourism with the Biosphere: a Mediterranean perspective. The workshop organised by UNIMED in the framework of the project Sustainable Tourism (co-funded by the InterregMED programme) brought together 4 speakers and more […]

Edu-BioMed on “Lebanon with a Twist”: an interview to Prof. Salma Talhouk
On April 19, 2021, Prof. Salma Talhouk, from the American University of Beirut, has been interviewed within the program “Lebanon with a Twist”. The Edu-BioMed project, the application that the American University of Beirut is developing and the topic of citizen science have been the focus of the interview. “Lebanon with a Twist” is a […]

Re-connecting Tourism with the biosphere: a Mediterranean Perspective_May 19, 2021
In a workshop promoted by the Sustainable Tourism Community, an initiative co-funded by the InterregMED programme, representatives of successful EU-funded projects from both shores of the Mediterranean will meet to exchange their experiences. Particular attention will be given to the Biosphere reserves as learning places and strategic actors of sustainable development. >> REGISTER HERE The […]

A social media campaign to raise the knowledge about the Biosphere Reserves
The Nature Conservation Center at the American University of Beirut, partner of the Edu-BioMed project, and “Fondation Diane” a Lebanese NGO that promotes civic awareness and eco-sustainable development, have developed Daskara, a free phone application. Daskara, which means Authentic Village, connects explorers and tourists to diverse localities throughout the country to find new cultural experiences, […]

Master’s Programme ‘Biosphere Reserves Management’ at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development in Germany: Apply by May 1st, 2021
“Learning to manage people and nature for a sustainable future in model regions worldwide!” – This in short is the aim of the Master’s Programme ‘Biosphere Reserves Management’ at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development in Germany. The international study programme will start its second course in September 2021. Teaching language is English. If you are […]

UNESCO Forum on Biodiversity – 24 March 2021
UNESCO is organizing an online event entitled “Our Planet, Our Future: 50 Years of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere programme – On the way to Kunming” on March 24th, 2021 from 1 pm to 5 pm. The year 2021 is a crucial year for biodiversity, during which new objectives and new commitments will be made […]

Fourth Edu-BioMed Newsletter available!
The fourth newsletter of the project Edu-BioMed has been published. It is accessible here. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Man & Biosphere Programme. UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme was created in 1971 with a vision: promote a sustainable connection between people and nature. This celebration is meaningful for the Edu-BioMed project. This is the […]

The Conversation: opportunity for MAB Youth researchers. Call for articles: deadline March 15, 2021
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the MAB Programme, UNESCO has established a partnership with The Conversation France, an on-line media that publishes scientific articles from (PhD) researchers in 3 languages (English, French and Spanish). As part of this partnership, UNESCO and The Conversation will jointly launch a series of articles to highlight […]

Joint Research for a wild Mushrooms inventory in Jabal Moussa & Shouf Biosphere Reserves
The University of Saint Joseph of Beirut and the American University of Beirut, partners of the project EduBioMed, are conducting a joint research for an inventory of wild mushrooms in the two lebanese Biosphere Reserves of Jabal Moussa and Shouf. Mushrooms play an important role in the environment. Most of them are natural recyclers (saprophytes). […]

50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Man & Biosphere Programme
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Man & Biosphere Programme. UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme was created in 1971 with a vision: promote a sustainable connection between people and nature. Here you will find a timeline of its history. This celebration is meaningful for the Edu-BioMed project which aims at strengthening, ameliorating and […]

Michel Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management_Deadline January 31, 2021
UNESCO prizes and MAB awards UNESCO and its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme afford recognition to outstanding contributions in the management or preservation of the environment; honour successful management of biosphere reserves in line with recommendations of the Seville Strategy; and foster access for young scientists, especially women, to advanced research facilities through respective […]

Season’s Greetings
EduBioMed project partners wish you all Happy and Safe Holiday’s season! Hoping that next year will be a better one, we are continuing to carry out our activities. Stay tuned!

Regional Integration of Biosphere Reserves: Insights from the Field Trip in the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie
In the framework of the Edu-BioMed project, a field trip has been realized in the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie in Morocco (BRA), guided by Mr. Said Boujrouf, Professor of Geography at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakesh and his three students, Hala Idrassen, Salma El Ghiouan and Hajar El Yazidi. The expedition took place […]

Tourism and Biosphere Reserves: discover the experience and the work of the Association for Protection of Jabal Moussa
“As time goes by and country management falls apart, I realize that Biosphere Reserves are the greatest invention. More relevant today than 50 years ago…” Pierre Doumet, Co-Founder and President of the Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa The Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa (APJM), partner in the EduBioMed project, is also […]

From Lebanon to Morocco: The Edu-BioMed Mobility Experience of Maya Kouzaiha, Master Student in Environmental Sciences
Having chosen the study of forest fires including fire prevention techniques and awareness-raising among Biosphere Reserves’ communities, Maya (Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon) moved from Lebanon to Morocco for two months, from February 16th to May 21st 2020. She benefited from an Edu-BioMed scholarship offered to students and research staff interested in Mediterranean Biosphere […]

Edu-BioMed celebrated the Erasmus Days talking about mobility
On October 15, 2020 on the occasion of the Erasmus days, Edu-BioMed project was showcased in the webinar Mediterranean Mobility Matters. Organised by UNIMED in the framework of the Erasmus Days initiative, the focus of the webinar was the Mobility and in particular the Mobilty South-South, a scheme that in Edu-BioMed is taking place. If […]

EduBioMed project participates in the #ErasmusDays 2020: October 15, 2020
On October 15, 2020 the Project EduBioMed will participate in a Webinar titled Mediterranean Mobility Matters, organised by UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union and involving EduBioMed and DIRE-MED projects partners. The webinar is organised under the umbrella of the Erasmus Days and will focus on the University Mobility as an important topic at regional and […]

Edu-bioMed Students Mobilities – Testimonials, Research Projects, and Experiences
Testimonials from students who engaged in the Edu-BioMed project are shared in a video documentary made by the University Mohammed V of Rabat, Morocco (UM5). By choosing the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of Mediterranean (RBIM, Morocco-Spain) as a case study for their Master thesis research, several students from Morocco and Lebanon share their studies from different […]

Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability – Open call: deadline October 31, 2020
Concerning the topic of sustainability, the EduBioMed team wants to inform you that the Belmont Forum has launched a collaborative research networking call on the theme: Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability. The goal of this CRA is to provide a science base for achieving sustainability goals. The CRA will support 1-2 years of collaborative […]

How to protect plant species of conservation interest in cities?
Green spaces inside cities form a new type of nature created from ‘scratch’ or irreversibly changed by people. This new nature in the city is novel because all its components are ‘artificially’ co-occurring; the soil, the water, the nutrients, and plant species which never existed together grow side by side in the city. Yet, this […]

Biosphere Reserves, Nature and Social Changes: an Interview with Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat
On September 1st, 2020 Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat, Professor at Faculty of Science, Saint Joseph’s University, co-founder and President of JOUZOUR LOUBNAN NGO, has accompanied the French President, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, in Jaj Nature Reserve to plant a cedar tree on the occasion of Lebanon centenary. She agreed to share her thoughts with the EduBioMed […]

Second EduBioMed Newsletter available! Where are We & What is Next?
The second newsletter of the project EduBioMed has been published. It is accessible here. This year, the international COVID-19 health emergency has put everybody in difficult situations and our project too has met difficulties in implementing some activities. Events and mobilities are only postponed and we have moved on with further activities of the project. Check out the […]

A conversation with the Director of MAB France, Mrs Catherine Cibien
Very often, talking about « projects » means using technical terms and very specific language understandable only to insiders/professionals. Sometimes these aspects make it difficult for a wider community of people to clearly understand what a project really does and why it is important. We asked Mrs. Catherine Cibien, Director of MAB France, to help us clarify […]

From Lebanon to France: The EduBioMed Mobility Experience of Marie-Claire Andraos, Master student in Environmental Sciences and Management
Having chosen the feasibility study of the creation of a Biosphere Reserve in Jezzine (South Lebanon), Marie-Claire has moved from Lebanon to France, in Castanet-Tolosan in the INRA Campus to do her internship with the MAB France for one month from February 24th to March 22nd. She benefited from an EduBioMed scholarship offered to students […]

World Environment Day: a message from Prof. Marti Boada
“The World Environment Day is an opportunity for a serious reflection on the historic moment we are living. A moment of several emergencies, pandemic and climatic. A moment of concern, at local and global level, for the human and environmental destiny. This year, the World Environment Day, is dedicated to the biodiversity and its important […]

Free Webinar: COVID-19 & Climate Change // 30 April 2020
The current COVID-19 health crisis has created grave uncertainties across the world. In response, governments have brought in unprecedent measures to curb the spread of the virus and mitigate the economic fallout. Whilst COVID-19 has seemingly put environmental diplomacy on hold with the postponement of COP26 and the 15th Biodiversity COP, what does the current […]

EduBioMed Winter School : postponed
Upon careful consideration of the Coronavirus concerns, the Winter School of the project EduBioMed, scheduled for 8-12 March 2020, will be postponed to a new date to be defined. We will communicate the new plan in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

First EduBioMed Newsletter available! One Year at a glance
The first newsletter of the project EduBioMed has been published. It is accessible here. One year has already passed from the project Kick-Off Meeting! Discover right now the activities that took place in the framework of the project since then and the opportunities this project renders possible. If you don’t want to miss the next […]

EduBioMed Winter School / 8-12 March 2020
The Autonomous University of Barcelona, in collaboration with the University of Aix-Marseille, the Montseny Biosphere Reserve (Spain) and the Mont Ventoux Biosphere Reserve (France) as part of the Edu-BioMed project, organises an interdisciplinary training in the fields of Biosphere Reserve management, research and education. This winter school entitled “In Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves: From Theory to […]

Scholarships Opportunities in the Framework of the EduBioMed Project
“Cooperation between universities and Biosphere Reserves’ actors should be the most developed possible. This would allow both students and university teachers to not only be “knowledge provider” but also “boosters” of those Biosphere Reserves, leading to positive and lasting impacts” said Mr Afker AbdelAziz in an interview realized in the framework of the EduBioMed project. […]

Interview of Mr. Afker AbdelAziz, Manager of the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve (RBA) Morocco
(Rome, 21 October 2019) To further understand what the project Edu-BioMed aims at achieving, and the importance of cooperation between higher education programmes and Biosphere Reserves (BR) management, UNIMED – partner of the project Edu-BioMed, has interviewed Mr. Afker Abdel Aziz, partnership officer in the Regional Directorate of Water and Forests and the fight against […]

First Student Mobility Event: Insights of the Field Visit to the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve
(Rome, 11 October 2019) The first student mobility event of the Edu-BioMed project took place last September in the Jabal Moussa UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (BR), in Kesrouan District, Lebanon. On this occasion, students of the American University of Beirut accompanied by architect Mr. Nicolas Fayad of the Department of Architecture and Design, Mr. Moustapha Itani […]

Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve: a Reservoir of Unique Species & Partner in the EduBioMed Project
(Rome, 15 July 2019) Located in Kesrouan District (Lebanon) and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve (BR), partner of Edu-BioMed project, entered the UNESCO Network of Biosphere Reserves under the Man and Biosphere (MAB) program in 2009, within which it “addresses human livelihood improvement and nature conservation through combining natural sciences with […]

Biosphere Reserves, Mediterranean Dialogue and Natural Richness: Thematic Workshop // Bzommar, Lebanon, 29th April – 2nd May
(Rome, 14 May 2019) – “We seek to establish a real dialogue within the Mediterranean area, between countries that have both a natural richness and a cultural resemblance,” declared Mr. Pierre Doumet, President of the Association for the Protection of the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve, on the occasion of the first thematic workshop of the Erasmus […]

Meeting at the Biosphere Reserve Jabal Moussa to talk about education and applied research on Mediterranean UNESCO’s biosphere reserves
(Rome, 22 March 2019) From the 28th of April to the 3rd of May, the partners of the EduBioMed Project will meet for thematic workshops in Jabal Moussa, Lebanon. This will be an occasion to both discuss the project’s activities and state of play, but also to discover two lebanese Biosphere Reserves. EduBioMed is a project […]

Biosphere Reserves & Destinations as motors for sustainability
(Rome, 8 February 2019) Destinations, such as biospheres, who balance the economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions of their biodiversity areas, are granted a biosphere seal by the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI). This sustainability certification is at the heart of the Biosphere Destination Community, which is of particular importance to the Edu-BioMed project. Indeed, balancing such […]