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The UNESCO website gives us an explanation of biosphere reserves, indicating that they are “places of learning for sustainable development”. They are sites for testing interdisciplinary approaches to understanding and managing changes and interactions between social and ecological systems, including conflict prevention and management of biodiversity. They are places that provide local solutions to global challenges. Biosphere reserves include terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems. Each site promotes solutions reconciling the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use.”
In the context of the Edu-BioMed project, related to the Development of Competences for Education and Applied Research in UNESCO’s Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, the Moroccan and Lebanese universities partners of the project have developed, through their students and researchers, case studies, in most cases supported by the mobility activities planned by the project.
In this report, in particular, students from the Moroccan University Mohammed V in Rabat studied and worked on case studies investigated during the years 2019 and 2021.
The students’ case studies and the diversity of subjects show the interdisciplinary complexity that characterizes biosphere reserves.
The subjects involved in the dissertations of the students embrace the themes of tourism, agriculture, urban planning, and communication. They deal with themes relating to gender, sustainable development, economy and management of natural resources.
In addition, in the context of the Edu-BioMed project, a student of the Mohammed V University prepared a dissertation work, with the support and collaboration of the American University of Beirut, another partner of the project. This is the first time that the two Universities have co-coordinated the research of a dissertation.
The thesis in question, titled “Media Coverage of the Biosphere Reserves: Experiences from Morocco and Lebanon”, was prepared by Faiza el Mejjad, under the supervision of Prof. Yamina El Kirat and Prof. Lahoucine Amzil.
A summary is available here.
Below it is available a list of other works that concern case studies for Master’s thesis conducted in two Moroccan reserves: the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve (RBA) and the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean (IBRM).
“Contribution to the geo-ecotourism development of the fossil and landscape heritage: Case of the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve RBA”, prepared by Ouchkar Abderrhmane, under the supervision of Prof. Miloud Hajfani and the evaluation of Prof. Aicha El Mouichni (Faculty of Sciences of Rabat). Final thesis for the Master’s degree – “Geotourism, Ecotourism and Integrated Sustainable Development” Department of Earth and Universe Sciences – FS-UM5R.
A summary of the work can be found here. A short presentation is available here in French and here in English.
Case studies conducted in the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean:
“The geotourism approach in the biosphere: Contribution to the conservation of the natural heritage Case of the Jbel Moussa site in the Mediterranean intercontinental biosphere reserve” prepared by Saida Bouazza, under the supervision of Prof. Miloiud Hajfani and Prof. Lahoucine Amzil, and the evaluation of Prof. Aicha El Mouichni. Final thesis for the Master’s degree – “Geotourism, Ecotourism and Integrated Sustainable Development” Department of Earth and Universe Sciences – FS-UM5R.
A summary of the work can be found here. A short presentation is available here in French.
“The role of women in protecting biodiversity” final thesis for the Master in Governance, Spatial Planning, Local and Regional Development and Resource Management, (GOUVAT-DEV-GER) Option “Rural Tourism, Heritage, Local Governance and Sustainable Development in the Hinterlands” (TOURAP), prepared by Wiem Belqruch under the supervision of Prof. Lahoucine Amzil and Prof. Mohammed Idrissi Janati.
A summary is available here in English.
“Preservation and valorisation of resources : the social economy – Case of the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean” final thesis for the Master in Governance, Spatial Planning, Local and Regional Development and Resource Management, (GOUVAT-DEV-GER) Option “Rural Tourism, Heritage, Local Governance and Sustainable Development in the Hinterlands” (TOURAP), prepared by Soukaina Bouziani under the supervision of Prof. Attouch Hicham and Prof. Sonia Aderghal.
A summary presentation is available here in English and here in French.
“For a better and more efficient use of wood energy in the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean” final thesis for obtaining a Master’s degree in “Governance, Spatial Planning, Local and Regional Development and Resource Management” (GOUVAT-DEV-GER) Option “Rural Tourism, Heritage, Local Governance and Sustainable Development in the Hinterlands” (TOURAP) – FLSH / Rabat developed by the student Reda Nacer, under the supervision of Prof. Sammoudi Rachid and Prof. Machouri Nadia.
A summary is available here in English and here in French.
“Family farming at the service of the ecosystem within IBRM”, a summary – in the form of a brochure – on good agricultural practices, prepared by Mohamed Ouchanni after a final thesis work of the Master “Governance, Development of territory, Local and Regional Development and Resource Management ”(GOUVAT-DEV-GER) Option“ Rural Tourism, Heritage, Local Governance and Sustainable Development in the Arrières Pays ”(TOURAP) – FLSH / Rabat under the supervision of Prof. Lahoucine Amzil and Prof. Mohammed Aderghal.
The presentation is available here in English and here in French.
In addition, PhD students are conducting researches on the following themes:
Articulation of rural tourism, migration and regional development Case of the village of Safran – Taliouine, work in progress by Ichou Lahcen. A summary of the research is available here in French.
The enhancement of urban heritage and eco-development in Biosphere Reserves_ Case of the city of Essaouira, work in progress by Elyamani Fatimaezzahra. A summary of the research is available here in French.
Socio-economic Dynamics and its impact on the Sustainability of the Cedar Biosphere, work in progress by Rachid Ait Bella. A summary of the research is available here in French.