Whom is the course for?

The online course “What exactly a Biosphere Reserve consists of? from a Mediterranean perspective” produced within the Edu-BioMed project with the support of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building Programme of the European Union, aims to promote education and applied research in Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves and raise awareness on the management and relevance of the reserves.

The course content is composed of five modules, which explore different aspects related to Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, exploring the role of the biosphere in an era of global change, and how Biosphere Reserves can serve to the understanding and managing of changes and interactions between social and ecological systems. Managers of the Reserves present case studies from the Med region as well as conceptual and methodological tools that are relevant in the field of conservation management.

Target Audience

The course is addressed to many different targets:

  • Students developing skills on biodiversity, nature conservation, biosphere reserves and protected areas, territorial governance and more
  • University educators (professors, lecturers) from several discipline, from environmental studies to Mediterranean geography, from sustainable tourism to natural sciences, etc.
  • Researchers and professionals in the field of environmental protection 
  • Representatives and Biosphere Reserve managers, staff and practicioners
  • Citizens, associations and the wider public with an interest in biodiversity and natural heritage protection
  • Local comminities living and working in the Biosphere Reserves
  • Decision-makers at national and regional levels