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In the framework of the project Edu-BioMed and following the field visit held on these last months conducted by two Doctoral Students, Hala Idrassen and Salma El Ghiouan, at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech (read more here) and by LERMA team, an article was published on December 1st, 2021 on the International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies.
The article, titled “Coordination of actors and innovation: Which model for territorial integration of the Biosphere Reserve of Arganeraie in Morocco?” is focused on the complexity of the Biosphere Reserve system and on the necessary work to be done in order to raise awareness, to create a common strategy of integration and to improve the cooperation between key actors.
Indeed this scientific analysis made by Hala Idrassen, Nada Baki and Salma El Ghiouan, the students involved in the Edu-BioMed mobility, under the supervision of Prof. Said Boujrouf, can add value to the coordination process of the actors involved in the Biosphere Reserve of Arganeraie.
You can read the article here.