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On October 15, 2020 the Project EduBioMed will participate in a Webinar titled Mediterranean Mobility Matters, organised by UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union and involving EduBioMed and DIRE-MED projects partners.
The webinar is organised under the umbrella of the Erasmus Days and will focus on the University Mobility as an important topic at regional and international level and a topic relevant for EduBioMed too.
Have a look at the agenda of the event and register your participation
15:00 _ Welcome and presentation of UNIMED Petition and projects on Mobility – Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED
15:10 _ Presentation of DIRE-MED project: strengths and weaknesses of the South-South Mobility – Naouel Abdellatif Mami, Sétif 2 University, DIRE-MED partner
15:25 _ Thematic mobility in the EduBioMed project: how to build capacity for environmental protection from the academia – Antonio Bontempi, Autonomous University of Barcelona – EduBioMed Project Manager
15:40 _ Presentation of DIRE-MED Regional Recommendations on Mobility – Claire Jeannet, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne – DIRE-MED partner
15:50 _ UNIMED Statement on Erasmus+ Mobility – Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED
16:00 _ Q&A
16:10 _ End of webinar
More information are available here