الأخبار والأحداث

Second EduBioMed Newsletter available! Where are We & What is Next?

The second newsletter of the project EduBioMed has been published. It is accessible here. This year, the international COVID-19 health emergency has put everybody in difficult situations and our project too has met difficulties in implementing some activities. Events and mobilities are only postponed and we have moved on with further activities of the project. Check out the […]

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A conversation with the Director of MAB France, Mrs Catherine Cibien

Very often, talking about « projects » means using technical terms and very specific language understandable only to insiders/professionals. Sometimes these aspects make it difficult for a wider community of people to clearly understand what a project really does and why it is important. We asked Mrs. Catherine Cibien, Director of MAB France, to help us clarify […]

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From Lebanon to France: The EduBioMed Mobility Experience of Marie-Claire Andraos, Master student in Environmental Sciences and Management

Having chosen the feasibility study of the creation of a Biosphere Reserve in Jezzine (South Lebanon), Marie-Claire has moved from Lebanon to France, in Castanet-Tolosan in the INRA Campus to do her internship with the MAB France for one month from February 24th to March 22nd. She benefited from an EduBioMed scholarship offered to students […]

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World Environment Day: a message from Prof. Marti Boada

“The World Environment Day is an opportunity for a serious reflection on the historic moment we are living. A moment of several emergencies, pandemic and climatic. A moment of concern, at local and global level, for the human and environmental destiny. This year, the World Environment Day, is dedicated to the biodiversity and its important […]

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EduBioMed Winter School : postponed

Upon careful consideration of the Coronavirus concerns, the Winter School of the project EduBioMed, scheduled for 8-12 March 2020, will be postponed to a new date to be defined. We will communicate the new plan in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

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First EduBioMed Newsletter available! One Year at a glance

The first newsletter of the project EduBioMed has been published. It is accessible here. One year has already passed from the project Kick-Off Meeting! Discover right now the activities that took place in the framework of the project since then and the opportunities this project renders possible. If you don’t want to miss the next […]

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Scholarships Opportunities in the Framework of the EduBioMed Project

“Cooperation between universities and Biosphere Reserves’ actors should be the most developed possible. This would allow both students and university teachers to not only be “knowledge provider” but also “boosters” of those Biosphere Reserves, leading to positive and lasting impacts” said Mr Afker AbdelAziz in an interview realized in the framework of the EduBioMed project. […]

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Interview of Mr. Afker AbdelAziz, Manager of the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve (RBA) Morocco

(Rome, 21 October 2019) To further understand what the project Edu-BioMed aims at achieving, and the importance of cooperation between higher education programmes and Biosphere Reserves (BR) management, UNIMED – partner of the  project Edu-BioMed, has interviewed Mr. Afker Abdel Aziz, partnership officer in the Regional Directorate of Water and Forests and the fight against […]

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First Student Mobility Event: Insights of the Field Visit to the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve

(Rome, 11 October 2019) The first student mobility event of the Edu-BioMed project took place last September in the Jabal Moussa UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (BR), in Kesrouan District, Lebanon. On this occasion, students of the American University of Beirut accompanied by architect Mr. Nicolas Fayad of the Department of Architecture and Design, Mr. Moustapha Itani […]

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Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve: a Reservoir of Unique Species & Partner in the EduBioMed Project

(Rome, 15 July 2019) Located in Kesrouan District (Lebanon) and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve (BR), partner of Edu-BioMed project, entered the UNESCO Network of Biosphere Reserves under the Man and Biosphere (MAB) program in 2009, within which it “addresses human livelihood improvement and nature conservation through combining natural sciences with […]

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