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This year marks the 50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Man & Biosphere Programme.
UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme was created in 1971 with a vision: promote a sustainable connection between people and nature.
Here you will find a timeline of its history.
This celebration is meaningful for the Edu-BioMed project which aims at strengthening, ameliorating and upgrading academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves (BRs), in collaboration and through networking with Biosphere Reserves’ (BR) stakeholders (citizens, visitors, managers and technicians), public administrations and EU Partners.
What is a Biosphere Reserve and why it is important a project like Edu-BioMed has been clarified in an interview done to Mrs. Catherine Cibien, Director of MAB France and partner of Edu-BioMed project.
Biosphere Reserves (BR) are learning places for sustainable development. […]
Designing and managing BRs requires a comprehensive and integrated approach to problems, the development of new practices to encourage local participation, to manage socio-ecosystems and local development, and a capacity for social innovation. Training people is therefore a major issue. The concept of BR is flexible and adapts to the diversity of geographical, ecological, cultural and political situations around the world. Edu-BioMed allows for a common reflection around trainings with the aim of enriching the University curricula, making them more innovative and adaptative to the specificities of all the countries around the Mediterranean Sea.
Discover more on this celebration, visit https://en.unesco.org/mab/50years