A Citizens Science App to put citizens, researchers and Biosphere Reserves closer
The Edu-BioMed team is glad to announce that a Citizens Science App to improve and implement the knowledge about the Biosphere Reserves has been released by the project. The American University of Beirut, partner of the project, has developed a Citizens Science App in which citizens, academics, and Biosphere Reserve managing bodies collectively gather data from, and about, various territories. […]

What exactly a Biosphere Reserve consists of? Discover the Course developed by the Edu-BioMed project
Edu-BioMed project has worked to strengthen, foster and upgrade academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese universities in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. Among its objectives, it has produced an online course, open accessible and available in English and French. Also, in both languages, is available a reusable version of the course, provided as […]

Communications scientifiques relatives aux productions réalisées au cours du projet Edu-BioMed sur la Réserve de Biosphère d’Arganeraie
Le 22 decembre une équipe de chercheuses et doctorantes cordonnée par le prof. Said Boujrouf de l’Université Cadi Ayyad a participé à deux evenements scientifiques en presentant les investigations amenées, lors du projet Edu-BioMed, à Agadir. Ce voyage a été organisé avec l’objectif de communiquer les résultats obtenus lors des sorties de terrain déjà effectuées […]

Tools for Education & Research in & on Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves: the dissemination webinar of the project
Les reserves de la Biosphere du programme MAB travaillent pour l’interdisciplinarité des approches, l’interaction du social et de tout ce qui est ecologie et on essaye à travers des Reserves de Biosphere de resoudre le nexus entre le developpement durable, la resilience aux changements climatiques et la conservation de la biodiversité. Noëline Raondry Rakotoarisoa – […]

The Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie and its challenges: innovation and coordination
In the framework of the project Edu-BioMed and following the field visit held on these last months conducted by two Doctoral Students, Hala Idrassen and Salma El Ghiouan, at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech (read more here) and by LERMA team, an article was published on December 1st, 2021 on the International Journal of […]

Frameworks and governance mechanisms in Biosphere Reserve management in Lebanon, Morocco, France and Spain
The strengthening of the role of the partner Universities as policy advisor is one among the specific objectives of our project. Partner HEIs wish to strengthen their capacity to provide policymakers with objective critiques to the legal and Biosphere Reserves governance status quo on a scientific evidence-base. The clear understanding of the legal framework and […]

Scholarship opportunities in the framework of the Edu-BioMed project: apply by February 15th, 2022
The possibility to apply for a scholarship offered for students and research staff interested in Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves is now extended up to February 15th, 2022. Scholarships are proposed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the Edu-BioMed project, which aims to strengthen, foster and upgrade academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese […]

A project to cure people Plant Blindeness
Multimedia plays today a huge role in bridging the gap between people living in cities and nature. Very often, seeing an add or a photograph on social media triggers people curiosity and open their eyes to nature’s beauty and invite them to visit. What if the multimedia material is more than an invitation but rather […]

What training for those dealing with a Biosphere Reserve? A set of guidelines produced by the Edu-BioMed project
Edu-BioMed’s aim is to strengthen, improve and upgrade academic activity at four Moroccan and Lebanese universities in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, in collaboration and through networking with BRs’ stakeholders. The upgrading of curricula at targeted HEIs is among the specific objectives of Edu-BioMed. The idea is to further build the capacity of Higher […]

Cas d’etude auprès de l’Université Mohammed V developpées avec le soutien du projet Edu-BioMed
Le site web de l’UNESCO nous donne une explication de réserve de biosphère en indiquant qu’elles sont des « lieux d’apprentissage du développement durable ». Ce sont des sites qui permettent de tester des approches interdisciplinaires afin de comprendre et de gérer les changements et les interactions entre systèmes sociaux et écologiques, y compris la […]