50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Man & Biosphere Programme
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Man & Biosphere Programme. UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme was created in 1971 with a vision: promote a sustainable connection between people and nature. Here you will find a timeline of its history. This celebration is meaningful for the Edu-BioMed project which aims at strengthening, ameliorating and […]

Michel Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management_Deadline January 31, 2021
UNESCO prizes and MAB awards UNESCO and its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme afford recognition to outstanding contributions in the management or preservation of the environment; honour successful management of biosphere reserves in line with recommendations of the Seville Strategy; and foster access for young scientists, especially women, to advanced research facilities through respective […]

Season’s Greetings
EduBioMed project partners wish you all Happy and Safe Holiday’s season! Hoping that next year will be a better one, we are continuing to carry out our activities. Stay tuned!

Regional Integration of Biosphere Reserves: Insights from the Field Trip in the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie
In the framework of the Edu-BioMed project, a field trip has been realized in the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie in Morocco (BRA), guided by Mr. Said Boujrouf, Professor of Geography at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakesh and his three students, Hala Idrassen, Salma El Ghiouan and Hajar El Yazidi. The expedition took place […]

Tourism and Biosphere Reserves: discover the experience and the work of the Association for Protection of Jabal Moussa
« As time goes by and country management falls apart, I realize that Biosphere Reserves are the greatest invention. More relevant today than 50 years ago… » Pierre Doumet, Co-Founder and President of the Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa The Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa (APJM), partner in the EduBioMed project, is also […]

From Lebanon to Morocco: The Edu-BioMed Mobility Experience of Maya Kouzaiha, Master Student in Environmental Sciences
Having chosen the study of forest fires including fire prevention techniques and awareness-raising among Biosphere Reserves’ communities, Maya (Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon) moved from Lebanon to Morocco for two months, from February 16th to May 21st 2020. She benefited from an Edu-BioMed scholarship offered to students and research staff interested in Mediterranean Biosphere […]

Edu-BioMed celebrated the Erasmus Days talking about mobility
On October 15, 2020 on the occasion of the Erasmus days, Edu-BioMed project was showcased in the webinar Mediterranean Mobility Matters. Organised by UNIMED in the framework of the Erasmus Days initiative, the focus of the webinar was the Mobility and in particular the Mobilty South-South, a scheme that in Edu-BioMed is taking place. If […]

EduBioMed project participates in the #ErasmusDays 2020: October 15, 2020
On October 15, 2020 the Project EduBioMed will participate in a Webinar titled Mediterranean Mobility Matters, organised by UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union and involving EduBioMed and DIRE-MED projects partners. The webinar is organised under the umbrella of the Erasmus Days and will focus on the University Mobility as an important topic at regional and […]

Edu-bioMed Students Mobilities – Testimonials, Research Projects, and Experiences
Testimonials from students who engaged in the Edu-BioMed project are shared in a video documentary made by the University Mohammed V of Rabat, Morocco (UM5). By choosing the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of Mediterranean (RBIM, Morocco-Spain) as a case study for their Master thesis research, several students from Morocco and Lebanon share their studies from different […]

Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability – Open call: deadline October 31, 2020
Concerning the topic of sustainability, the EduBioMed team wants to inform you that the Belmont Forum has launched a collaborative research networking call on the theme: Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability. The goal of this CRA is to provide a science base for achieving sustainability goals. The CRA will support 1-2 years of collaborative […]