M5 – Lesson #4 Tools for decision making

Transcript of the video

Gonzalo Gamboa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Gonzalo Gamboa is a social ecological economist. He holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2008) and has extensive experience in combining participatory methods with quantitative analytical tools, such as multicriteria evaluation and multi-scale integrated assessment of societal metabolism. Gonzalo has applied this approach to a wide range of fields: windfarms location, coastal management, water management and territorial planning. Also, he has focused his research in how to define adequate indicators to characterize and assess the performance of socio-metabolic systems across scales, making explicit the contrasting visions and values in society.


Biosphere Reserves as complex socio-ecological systems are difficult to understand and manage. When it comes to make public decisions, the social multi-criteria evaluation demonstrates an adequate tool to employ. 



Have a look at the Handbook on Participatory Action Research, Planning, and Evaluation​ (2021), and read “Social multi-criteria evaluation: Methodological foundations and operational consequences” by Giuseppe Munda (2004) ¨¨[PDF], from the European Journal of Operational Research.

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