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UNESCO prizes and MAB awards
UNESCO and its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme afford recognition to outstanding contributions in the management or preservation of the environment; honour successful management of biosphere reserves in line with recommendations of the Seville Strategy; and foster access for young scientists, especially women, to advanced research facilities through respective prizes and awards schemes.
Michel Batisse Award
This US$12,000 award is given every two years during the MAB Council, in memory of Dr Michel Batisse, for outstanding achievements in the management of the biosphere reserves in line with the recommendations of the Seville Strategy.
How to apply
2021 call for applications
Call in English ǀ Call in French
Applications must be received by UNESCO no later than 31 January 2021 to be eligible. Only applications in English and French are accepted. Applications that are not endorsed by a MAB National Committee or a National Commission for UNESCO are not eligible for consideration.
The Michel Batisse Award ONLY acknowledges COMPLETED work ACCOMPLISHED within a Biosphere Reserve in the World Network. Case studies that concern future work will not be considered.
The source of the information is available here
Michel Batisse Award edition 2019
The 2019 Michel Batisse Award was given to José Santiso (Spain), head of the Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo UNESCO Biosphere Reserve for his project promoting local, organically grown food produce. This project has helped preserve local varieties and linked producers and consumers, including school canteens.