
Back to Roots: Nutrition, Terroir & food safety

A team from the Nutrition Department at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut, led by Cynthia Helou – Senior Lecturer – Head of the Food Technology Master and Tatiana Papazian – Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and licensed dietitian – conducted fieldworks in thirteen guesthouses of two Lebanese Biosphere Reserves: Jabal Moussa and […]

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RBA field trip of the LERMA-UCA team

As part of the Edu-BioMed project, two professors and two students from the LERMA team, from the Cadi Ayyad Marrakech University, participated in a scientific field trip in the regions of Agadir, Tiznit, Arbaa Sahel, Sidi Ifni Ameln and Tafraout. This field trip, which took place from April 1 to 5, 2021, had the objectives […]

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The Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie: workfield for doctoral researches

Following a first field visit held on the end of October and beginning of November 2020, Hala Idrassen and Salma El Ghiouan, Doctoral Students at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech have conducted a five weeks field work in the territory of the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie to develop their Doctoral thesis. Hala Idrassen […]

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Re-connecting Tourism with the biosphere: a Mediterranean perspective

The Biosphere Reserve of Jabal Moussa and the Biosphere Reserve of the Arganeraie took part on May 19, 2021 in the online workshop Re-connecting Tourism with the Biosphere: a Mediterranean perspective. The workshop organised by UNIMED in the framework of the project Sustainable Tourism (co-funded by the InterregMED programme) brought together 4 speakers and more […]

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Edu-BioMed on “Lebanon with a Twist”: an interview to Prof. Salma Talhouk

On April 19, 2021, Prof. Salma Talhouk, from the American University of Beirut, has been interviewed within the program “Lebanon with a Twist”. The Edu-BioMed project, the application that the American University of Beirut is developing and the topic of citizen science have been the focus of the interview. “Lebanon with a Twist” is a […]

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A social media campaign to raise the knowledge about the Biosphere Reserves

The Nature Conservation Center at the American University of Beirut, partner of the Edu-BioMed project, and “Fondation Diane” a Lebanese NGO that promotes civic awareness and eco-sustainable development, have developed Daskara, a free phone application. Daskara, which means Authentic Village, connects explorers and tourists to diverse localities throughout the country to find new cultural experiences, […]

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Master’s Programme ‘Biosphere Reserves Management’ at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development in Germany: Apply by May 1st, 2021

“Learning to manage people and nature for a sustainable future in model regions worldwide!” –  This in short is the aim of the Master’s Programme ‘Biosphere Reserves Management’ at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development in Germany. The international study programme will start its second course in September 2021. Teaching language is English. If you are […]

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Fourth Edu-BioMed Newsletter available!

The fourth newsletter of the project Edu-BioMed has been published. It is accessible here. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Man & Biosphere Programme. UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme was created in 1971 with a vision: promote a sustainable connection between people and nature. This celebration is meaningful for the Edu-BioMed project. This is the […]

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The Conversation: opportunity for MAB Youth researchers. Call for articles: deadline March 15, 2021

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the MAB Programme, UNESCO has established a partnership with The Conversation France, an on-line media that publishes scientific articles from (PhD) researchers in 3 languages (English, French and Spanish).  As part of this partnership, UNESCO and The Conversation will jointly launch a series of articles to highlight […]

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Joint Research for a wild Mushrooms inventory in Jabal Moussa & Shouf Biosphere Reserves

The University of Saint Joseph of Beirut and the American University of Beirut, partners of the project EduBioMed, are conducting a joint research for an inventory of wild mushrooms in the two lebanese Biosphere Reserves of Jabal Moussa and Shouf. Mushrooms play an important role in the environment. Most of them are natural recyclers (saprophytes). […]

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