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For more than 50 years, UNESCO’s MAB (Man and the Biosphere) program has taken on board the principles of articulation between the political, scientific, academic and civic spheres in various territories. The stated objective is to reconcile sustainable development practices at the local or regional level, with the protection of the environment and more specifically the conservation of biodiversity, while respecting the cultural values of all. Biosphere reserves are thus considered to be privileged spaces for experimenting with new multi-scalar operating methods, adapted to the territorial issues raised by different categories of actors with multiple and sometimes contradictory interests.
Responding to a multidisciplinary requirement and to that of a dialogue between citizens-actors-researchers, this book (in ‘open science’ format) was produced as part of the project.
The book, titled Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves: the nexus for environmental management, education and research, is organized into 16 chapters, and brings together the contributions of 50 authors, all members of the Edu-BioMed project. It is structured in two parts. Through 5 contributions, the first part focuses on the organizational and legal aspects of biosphere reserves, in connection with public policies and questions of research or education. The second part, which includes 11 texts, presents different case studies on both sides of the Mediterranean. This work also has the particularity of being resolutely part of the cross dynamics of Mediterranean biosphere reserves and is enriched by the points of view of actors in the field, Lebanese, Tunisian, Moroccan, French and Catalan academics.
The scientific coordinators of the collection of texts are Professors Angela Barthes, Catherine Cibien and Bruno Romagny.
You can find the eBook here in English and here in French.
Two works are in the process of being published:
Romagny B., Cibien C. et Barthes A., 2022. Réserves de biosphère et objectifs de développement durable : enjeux, tensions, processus et gouvernances en Méditerranée. ISTE Edition Ltd, Londres, 316 p.
Barthes A., Cibien C. et Romagny B., 2022. Réserves de biosphère et objectifs de développement durable : enjeux scientifiques et pratiques éducatives en Méditerranée. ISTE Edition Ltd, Londres, 242 p.